One moment, the foobs were in a teal-and-lavender monstrosity of a wedding, and the next they were propelled back into the past. But it was a different version of the past. What happened?
I look forward to seeing whether the "not in complete control" means she feels like she's trying but not quite succeeding yet at making changes. That could give the poor girl hope. After all, there ARE changes around her.
A far sadder alternative is that she's effectively disembodied and along for the ride inside her young self. Her young self is thinking thoughts and planning actions which she cannot change. That could drive her insane.
Oh, that's depressing. Now she knows she can't control her own body. What other horrible things will she discover?
Ah, tune in and find out (she said coyly). ;)
It might be fun to revisit that strip where Lizzie likes to watch Michael urinate from the hybrid.
It might be fun to revisit that strip where Lizzie likes to watch Michael urinate from the hybrid.
Eek--That could make the poor girl catatonic. ;)
I look forward to seeing whether the "not in complete control" means she feels like she's trying but not quite succeeding yet at making changes. That could give the poor girl hope. After all, there ARE changes around her.
A far sadder alternative is that she's effectively disembodied and along for the ride inside her young self. Her young self is thinking thoughts and planning actions which she cannot change. That could drive her insane.
I agree, InsertMonikerHere--the poor girl needs hope! :)
Oh, poor Liz. I'm glad we aren't all submitted to this much purgatory for bad relationship choices. :)
(I hope)
So true, Sarah--that would be terribly disproportionate punishment. 0_o
I am just shocked at how amazingly well Liz and Farley are drawn : O They look AWESOME! Seriously, I bow at your awesomeness!!! : D
Thanks, Adrianne. :)
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