In case you are wondering about the sporadic application of bricks, this is another homage to LJ. I don't want to put in a direct link, but if you are curious about what I'm talking about, you can see an example by checking the March 7, 2006 strip at the foob-site archives.
EEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!! Elly thinks she got something horrible for Christmas? Think of Phil! He's getting a total freak this year (whatever year it is.)
Heh. Yup. I couldn't resist--you just know RetConnie would do something like this.
My question is: Why would she do that with her son in tow? Is she THAT desperate?
What does Lawrence get to do while Phil "enjoys" his "gift?"
If I believed that homosexuality was learned (I don't,) I'd say this was his tipping point. Hell, I like girls less after seeing this strip.
Totally squicky! Excellent! So good to know that there's still laughter to be found in these characters yet.
godozo, I'm thinking new-run Connie is that desperate. She couldn't leave L. home unattended, so she had him tag along.
Anonymous, RetConnie might have been thinking she'd leave Lawrence to play with Mike while she had her own playdate--but in any event, I'm imagining the Pattersons are peeking through their curtains and pretending no one is home.
Thanks, forworse. :)
You know, this one was awesome on so many levels I can't even tell ya. Made me laugh, that's for sure.
Thanks, Timothy, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I couldn't resist doing something with the whole "blonde nubile wrapped in cellophane" phrase of extreme awkwardness. ;)
Ack! So embarrassing! *dies in shame*
But you know, this is the first time I've such a strong reaction to something a FOOB character did since the reFOOB began, which really says something...
Lawrence really wants to escape back to the future, Destroyer of Worlds. I can't blame him. :)
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