Wednesday, December 24, 2008

He's had bad dreams--so bad, he threw his pillow away


DreadedCandiru2 said...

Oh, crap. Mike's night terrors are the result of trying to deny that he went back in time; I should have seen that coming. I wonder how long it'll be before he describes his dreams.

April Patterson said...

He doesn't know (yet) that these things really happened.

I wonder how long it'll be before he describes his dreams.

Me, too. :)

DreadedCandiru2 said...

Ahhhhhh..... So other characters will become aware of their futures later on then. I wonder how Mike will react when he realizes his nightmares are a shape of things to come. Will he try to prevent it?

April Patterson said...

Will he try to prevent it?

I think most people would react that way.... Probably even Mike wouldn't want to turn out like that.

DreadedCandiru2 said...

So this means we'll eventually have a conversation between him and Lawrence where they discuss the future and what to avoid. About the only character I don't see figuring things out is Elly. She'd probably dismiss visions of the future as bad dreams and self-medicate by piling up the bee-grinding.

Unknown said...

The thing about Elly . . . even if she did catch on, she'd never see herself as having done anything wrong (except, perhaps, having April); she wouldn't change a thing. When she left, she still had her husband -- train crazy, but with his will broken in most other respects. Her eldest was married off, her son a published author, she had two grandkids (one of each gender, as it should be) and though she aged badly, she knew from how Connie turned out that plastic surgery wouldn't help.

Destroyer of Worlds said...

Yikes, I actually feel bad for Mike the kid! I wonder how he'll react when he finds his dreams are his future. He'll marry Deanna, have two kids he'll treat exactly like his parents treated him, and write, write, write.

I'm willing to bet he'll find all of that horrifying, especially realizing he'll become just like his parents. Also, writing that much from a five-year-old's perspective would be torture and extremely overwhelming.

As for Deanna...well, his huge attachment to her in Lynn's comics suddenly now make sense, if he knows, deep down inside, that he'll end up with her.

I foresee problems between him and Lawrence. Two five-year-olds, one of which finds out he will be gay, and may have more or less problems with that, and the other doesn't have the maturity to understand beyond "ewww, boy-cooties!"

April Patterson said...

DreadCandiru2, currently Lawrence is afraid to discuss "future" memories with Michael because of Connie's admonition not to engage in such "crazy talk" with Michael. With her current level of desperation, he fears her.

Kelsi--that sounds about right, re. Elly.

Destroyer of Worlds, same here--after drawing this strip I did feel bad for Michael. This would be pretty, um, foobed up.

Cedar said...

I suspected that Mike was vaguely aware on some level that he was reliving the past, but didn't really concern himself with it. After all, this is what he's wanted for the past several years: no kids, no icky sex with his wife, no responsibilities whatsoever--just playing and benig with Mommy all day.

April Patterson said...

Cedar, that would also explain his reaction to dreams that concern his future. :)