Okay, so this is out of sync with what's running in the strip right now, because of the new-run filler that LJ inserted this past Saturday. I was expecting Saturday's strip to be the repeat where Phil and Mike are on there way over to Connie's place and today's to be the one where Phil briefs Elly on what he and Connie spoke about. The odd dialogue in my strip for today is based on that summary.
She should know better than to assume Elly would have been discreet, shouldn't she? What an awkward way to begin things between them. Ah, well. At least they both own their awkwardness; Elly will never acknowledge how big a pain in the ass she is and they know it. Who knows? This time, it might be something that bonds them.
Can you imagine having Elly as your matchmaker? I think bonding over her being a pain in the ass would pretty much be one's only hope. ;)
Hah! This should go into the strip...if Lynn hadn't shown RetConnie (was original Connie desperate too?) to be so desperate, I could easily see this being Elly's misguided (and meddling) attempt on getting Connie and Phil together while both of them aren't really that interested, but they do it to shut Elly up.
Destroyer of Worlds, Original Connie was desperate, but Lynn has cranked up the desperateness by having RetConnie come over, grill Elly about RePhil, and also seemingly know everything about him--as well as confide in Annie (of all people) about how much she wants one-on-one time with Phil.
Close, but you failed to include the good teeth that somehow warranted mention. I've heard gay guys describe female bodies with more emotion, which leads me to wonder if Lynn's ever met a man in her life. Phil just Mengelesquely checks out their measurements...skull measurements.
"Mengelesquesly." Heh. Yeah, I figured that while this conversation was happening, Phil was also assessing the teeth, legs, and overall "fair looks." ;)
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