In the rerun strip that I expect us to see (barring new-run insertions) this coming Saturday, 1/3/2009, Phil returns from taking Connie to her staff New Year's Eve party. The clothes I have Phil wearing here are (pretty much) what you'll see him wearing there. It amused me to imagine him wearing this casual attire while Connie's all gussied up for her work party.
To construct this strip, I consulted the second FBoFW collection--Is This "One of Those Days," Daddy?--and also the results of a Google image search on "ballroom dancing." Stitching together those two yielded the awkward results you see above. Also, I've decided that I hate drawing Connie's bad hair and owl glasses. I'm also half convinced that LJ wanted Elly's best friend to resemble Mrs. Beasley.
Update: LJ has removed a strip from the original sequence, so Phil returning from his date with Connie should appear this coming Friday, 1/2/09. Or there could be more omitting/insertion. Wow, this is almost like suspense. ;)