Monday, July 20, 2009

Self-Preservation Ploy

It occurred to me that if Elly were to discover her decoy journal missing, she'd have a hissy, probably unleashing her unhinged-jaw fury at John. So I thought of April scanning it and having Mike return it before its absence could be noted. I felt this should be touched on, but wasn't able to think of a way to do so without some clunky exposition, so I decided to just go with it and have April comment on it as we might. :)


DreadedCandiru2 said...

Thank goodness that Elly's memory span is about three or four minutes; that means that she'll swallow just about anything. Sadly, April didn't go quite far enough; she should have also written "Putting a proper lock on the back gate will keep those nosy people down the street from looking down at me."

April Patterson said...

Ooh, you're right, dreadecandiru2. Poor Apes, that would have been a great idea. OTOH, the poor memory span you point out might have rendered that ineffective.

Timprovphilly said...

As a writer I have the same problem with chunky exposition, it's like eating vegetable with your meal, you know it's good for you and you need it but it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth sometimes. You handled it very well.

April Patterson said...

Thanks, Timothy. As a huge "Buffy" fan, I can just imagine Allyson Hannigan delivering April's panel-two opening line. :)