Sometimes, visual details bother me more than they have any right to. Tuesday of last week, Connie has a tote bag. Elly and Connie are sitting side-by-side on a park bench, and the tote bag is positioned on the side of Connie that's facing away from Elly. Doesn't that suggest to you that the tote bag belongs to Connie? I might have missed that visual detail altogether had I not used that strip as a reference for the
7/22/09 FOOBAR. By Friday, Elly has apparently taken possession of the bag, and implausibly impresses the heck out of Lawrence and Mike with all the supplies she extracts from it. Saturday, Connie is seen holding that bag while Elly pushes Nizzie on the swings, but Elly reswipes it immediately afterward and takes it home. Either they have a tote-bag time-share arrangement, or Elly is a tote bag thief AND a credit thief. Hence, today's FOOBAR. :)
It's powerfully hard to think of a mother we're supposed to approve of that isn't at least slightly insane; what that says about Lynn is best left to the imagination.
I still can't get over that Lynn had Mike and Lawrence falling over themselves with praise and adoration because their Moms have the ability to CARRY THINGS IN A BAG.
Next, watch them genuflect when Elly reveals she knows how to use the telephone while Connie reveals she can operate a remote control!
"Hands-on roadside gig!"
DC2, I imagine the word "batshit" would come up pretty often in relation to Elly.
I still can't get over that Lynn had Mike and Lawrence falling over themselves with praise and adoration because their Moms have the ability to CARRY THINGS IN A BAG.
I know! She really has no clue as to how children that age think and perceive things. "Oh, mother! You are so enchanting!" 0_o
Glad you liked the foob-style insults, Muzition. I considered real-world profanity, but Elly must speak in foob! :)
I'm glad you liked the foob-style insults, Muzition--I'd considered using real-world profanity, but Elly must speak in foob! ;)
Still giggling at the "why are we in silhouette?" bit.
And the "hands-on roadside gig!" insult. So FOOB. I'm surprised Lynn never made her characters accuse each other of being "low-down hoochie coochers".
I'm surprised Lynn never made her characters accuse each other of being "low-down hoochie coochers".
LOL. Lynn thinks it's better for her to make up her own slang, ostensibly because it never becomes dated. ::rolleyes::
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