Friday, May 14, 2010

John has a drink with Ted

Click to enlarge.
You know what I just realized?  John's hair in the second panel doesn't match the way I have it in the first and third panels.  I used one of the strips from the Settlenuptials as my reference for the second panel, and didn't think about the fact that John had his hair slicked back for the occasion.  No wonder I kept thinking he looked painfully Anthonyesque.  So, my wank is that there was a big gust of wind between panels one and two, and it settled down before panel three. 


DreadedCandiru2 said...

I'd be a damned sight more enthusiastic about John's plans for the future had he not simply gone with the flow; since he stupidly let Elly mess up the world because it was too much like work to stop her, his happy ending leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

howard said...

Oh dear. Did we have a "I don't want to erase" moment? Has the constant exposure to Lynn's work finally taken its toll on you? Quick! Drink something Vegan and nonfattening to clear your head before it's too late!

April Patterson said...

I'd be a damned sight more enthusiastic about John's plans for the future had he not simply gone with the flow; since he stupidly let Elly mess up the world because it was too much like work to stop her, his happy ending leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

For some reason, I have the idea in my mind that John was amongst the last to achieve any kind of awareness about the time warp. Then once he did, I think he went with it, but without giving any kind of deep thought to any of its implications. Maybe given more time, he would have come around and joined the resistance actively.

April Patterson said...

Oh dear. Did we have a "I don't want to erase" moment?

Ha--believe me, if I'd caught this at the drawing stage, I would have fixed it. Instead, I drew it, inked it, scanned it, electronically added the text, uploaded it to Blogger and... Oh, sh*t! I wasn't exaggerating with "I just realized"! :)

Anonymous said...

Huh. John - Elly = An actually decent person...? Interesting that he's just enjoying his freedom without defaulting to MUST FIND NUBILE HONEY AND ENSLAVE TO PETTY WHIMS.

Still, in a way, it makes sense. Again, he's enjoying his freedom. After years of Elly's passive-aggressive behavior and her wanting to dicate everything he did while telling him everything he did -- including his compliance with her wishes -- was WRONG, it's not all that surprising that he'd find some novelty in doing things on his own. "Hey -- I can put dishes in the dishwasher without being yelled at! I can do the laundry without having to leave big baskets everywhere to trip over! This is great!" :D

I'm not giving him a free pass for his ignorance, mind; it's just nice to see that he's not totally HELPLESS when it comes to housework, despite what Elly believed (and reinforced). If he can take care of himself, he'll be alright.

And volunteering! Was that something he wanted to do in the past, only to have it dismissed as a 'waste of time'?

DreadedCandiru2 said...

For some reason, I have the idea in my mind that John was amongst the last to achieve any kind of awareness about the time warp. Then once he did, I think he went with it, but without giving any kind of deep thought to any of its implications.

So, what are we talking about here? Did he clue in when Lawrence broke his leg again or when Connie came back looking like Ronald McDonald's Mom?

Ziesdov61 said...

Let me guess: He's volunteering at the Boys Club to teach model railroad building? (Who has time for women when there's a railroad to run?)

howard said...

I did like the volunteering added to the strip for John Patterson. That was the single biggest part of the life of Rod Johnston which never made it to John Patterson's life, and just as Lynn prevented it from ever being shown for John, likewise you have credited her avatar Elly for stopping John.

The next step is to get John working for Medical Missions International taking trips to South Americas countries.

April Patterson said...

And volunteering! Was that something he wanted to do in the past, only to have it dismissed as a 'waste of time'?

Volunteering was something that Elly gave lip service to, as something that she planned to do when she was retired. But then we saw exactly one strip where she did some volunteer work (the Sunday strip where we were supposed to come away with the impression that she was super-busy as a retiree). The "strip of destiny" (last Sunday strip of the modern run) claimed that John and Elly did volunteer work, but I am highly skeptical. ;)

April Patterson said...

So, what are we talking about here? Did he clue in when Lawrence broke his leg again or when Connie came back looking like Ronald McDonald's Mom?

I haven't pinpointed a moment.

April Patterson said...

I did like the volunteering added to the strip for John Patterson.

Thanks. :)

That was the single biggest part of the life of Rod Johnston which never made it to John Patterson's life, and just as Lynn prevented it from ever being shown for John, likewise you have credited her avatar Elly for stopping John.

It seems to fit.

The next step is to get John working for Medical Missions International taking trips to South Americas countries.

And maybe he should also get Warren to help him get his pilot's license so he can be a flying dentist. :)

April Patterson said...

Let me guess: He's volunteering at the Boys Club to teach model railroad building? (Who has time for women when there's a railroad to run?)

Heh. :)

Godozo said...

DC2: Did he clue in when Lawrence broke his leg again or when Connie came back looking like Ronald McDonald's Mom?

April: I haven't pinpointed a moment.

I think he got browbeat into it from the beginning. It wouldn't surprise me if he was more active in the beginning, then learned to "let things go" as the years went on.

Which would explain why he's not chasing skirts but doing volunteer work instead. No posing, no working like crazy just to keep up; just relaxing for a while and making himself useful.

Godozo said...

(and by the beginning, I mean the beginning of the marriage, so that by the Elly pulled her magic trick John had been well...domesticated.)