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Elly's Diary, June 1, 2019
5 years ago
One moment, the foobs were in a teal-and-lavender monstrosity of a wedding, and the next they were propelled back into the past. But it was a different version of the past. What happened?
Oh, poor Liz. Not only does she have to deal with infertility and a husband who's doing to her what he did to Thérèse had post-partum depression, she's trying to get sympathy from an ignorant, delusional idiot. I guess not all second chances work out as well as others.
Run, Liz, RUN!!! While you still can!!!
The profile view of Liz in the last panel looks interesting. What were you using as a model for it?
I guess not all second chances work out as well as others.
That's what most of us said when the "second chance" feature about Lizthony went up on the website, but there's no convincing Lynn on THAT point. ;)
Run, Liz, RUN!!! While you still can!!!
She didn't listen to us the first time(s) we told her that, but maybe now... :)
The profile view of Liz in the last panel looks interesting. What were you using as a model for it?
Only my own fevered imagination! Whenever I use one of Lynn's profile views as a model, I get annoyed, especially with the way she does the eyes. So I just pulled this one from my brain. :)
I have to say I'm surprised that Liz is still on speaking terms with Elly, having spent over a year as her kewpie doll. I suppose having those prosthetic memories must soften the blow a bit. And anyway, people often do still carry on their relationships with family members who've committed serious crimes. Though generally it's through a window with phones on either side. Elly's damn lucky the law doesn't cover acts of magic.
Remember when John told Anthony that he'd better do right by Liz or he'd get a face full of "or else"? Can we please see Assthony's attitude get adjusted?
Lovely. For one moment of clarity (what I'm willing to allow, by the way) we get a moment of epic denseness. Not only demanding a child, but a BOY by the way.
Note that she doesn't give any aid or information; she just wants a BOY and she wants him now.
(or course, who says Liz is at Elly's house? I wouldn't be surprised to see Elly had barged into Liz's home and started talking on her own. Liz is trying to be nice because it's her mom, but mommy's pushing it.)
Still the same dumb Elly. And how strange that she's shilling the virtues of having a boy -- sorry, a James Allen -- while, in the same breath, dismissing that gender with "Oh, he's just a man." Since, after all, it's impossible to work with or teach men anything, and they're so horrible and thoughtless -- and yet the sole measure of a woman's worth is whether or not she can attach herself to a man and make babies, apparently.
I'd ask if Elly ever listens to herself, but obviously not. Even though she's the only one who likes to hear herself talk.
Surprising that Liz actually bothered talking to her -- of course, for all we know, Elly just showed up on her doorstep to pester her about this. I wouldn't put it past her to invite herself into this debate -- or, perhaps, she was invited by Anthony?
And Anthony grows distant... wonder why. Is it simply because, as with Therese, his vision of a perfect family is fading? Only at least with Therese, he wound up with Francoise... while Liz is "failing to live up to his standardized image of her". (Note that I'm not saying it's even remotely fair to blame HER for this, but... the FOOBiverse is far from fair. And blaming the woman automatically for anything related to children or the lack thereof is a very outdated notion... Perfect, perhaps, for Anthony. Certainly perfect for Elly. I have little doubt she's thinking this is all somehow Liz's fault, aside from, perhaps, an unpleasant side-effect of her magical meddling...)
On the other hand, we don't know how much Anthony remembers of the magical trainwreck. Who knows how that's influencing his growing distance from Liz...
Wow, I'm really curious about where you'll go with this...I'm sympathetic to Liz because she seems so unhappy here. I'm hoping she grabs her "destiny" in both hands and gives it a good kick over the horizon!
As for Elly...she has learned too late that being alone to do whatever she wants when she wants, isn't what she wanted. But...she's not willing to extend that newfound knowledge to understanding what Liz is going through, and I roll my eyes in disgust over that! Elly is really all about Elly.
Destroyer Of Worlds,
Elly is really all about Elly.
So what else is new? Elly has never been about anything else but herself. Her reaction to throwing a child's party has nothing to do with whether the child is satisfied but only about how exhausted she herself is.
Eee, sorry I haven't been responding to comments. I fell behind on my other strip this weekend, and then I still needed to get tomorrow's Foobar up.
I'm thinking Elly just kind of dropped by. Surprise, Liz! I agree that it's kind of stunning that she'd have anything to do with Elly. Elly did catch her off-guard.
Interesting idea re. John's "or else." I'll think about it. :)
And blaming the woman automatically for anything related to children or the lack thereof is a very outdated notion... Perfect, perhaps, for Anthony.
If not consciously maybe unconsciously--which could make it all the harder to overcome.
Certainly perfect for Elly.
Well, you know, she got pregnant so easily--two out of three times, she did so without even trying. Leave it to her to not understand.
But...she's not willing to extend that newfound knowledge to understanding what Liz is going through, and I roll my eyes in disgust over that! Elly is really all about Elly.
Sadly, she might be ever more determined to try to ensure that Liz's family life conforms to what she believed her own should have.
The only problem with Elly turning "cougar" *shudder!* with Anthony is that it would make her happy. So she'd rather pine for Anthony from afar while he is married to Liz.
Either that, or Elly and Anthony would be happy...until they realize the other is so self centered that he/she isn't "there" for the other...then they'll go back to John and Liz and beg for a new hoooome again, and hopefully, John and Liz would be so squicked out that they will run away screaming!
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