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Elly's Diary, June 1, 2019
5 years ago
One moment, the foobs were in a teal-and-lavender monstrosity of a wedding, and the next they were propelled back into the past. But it was a different version of the past. What happened?
It's a good thing that "Emmy" is so stupid; otherwise, people might think that she does things like that on purpose.
I think Joe may have a point here. There are very few strips that I can remember where John Patterson bought groceries, and those were usually only in situations when Elly was out of town. If you take Sunday's strip in context of the whole 30-year span, it would be easy to draw the same conclusion Joe did.
The comic is gone, and and an error pops up when I try to enlarge. I'll come back later...
The comic is gone, and and an error pops up when I try to enlarge. I'll come back later...
Weird! This has never happened before. A last-gasp TOS move from team foob? I might have to reupload it when I'm home.
It seems to be back...
It's a good thing that "Emmy" is so stupid; otherwise, people might think that she does things like that on purpose.
Spiteful, stupid--some of "A," some of "B"? ;)
If you take Sunday's strip in context of the whole 30-year span, it would be easy to draw the same conclusion Joe did.
I think, inadvertently, Lynn managed to make this one of those rare instances where a new-run does fill in gaps that existed in the original continuity. Now we can see a likely reason John tended to avoid helping out with groceries.
It does have that effect. Of course, the Sunday strip is really just Lynn lifting a joke from her own strip. Nevertheless, the new-run alteration does explain a lot.
Good catch, howtheduck. That strip you linked is very close to yesterday's new-run--and given that the insertion is supposed to have happened before that 1990 strip, I guess John wasn't that well trained, after all.
I see it now! Maybe it was a problem on my end. Heh, I like it!
Weird. I see a comment from Destroyer of Worlds for this entry in my e-mail, but it's not showing up here.
I see it now!
Yay! :)
Maybe it was a problem on my end.
It wasn't just you--I was having the same problem, and then suddenly it was resolved.
Heh, I like it!
Thanks. :)
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