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Elly's Diary, June 1, 2019
5 years ago
One moment, the foobs were in a teal-and-lavender monstrosity of a wedding, and the next they were propelled back into the past. But it was a different version of the past. What happened?
I'd do the latter myself; Elly reminds me of Marie Barone. Both women are destructive, stupid, hypocritical and convinced of their own rightness. I'm reminded of a homegrown sitcom that just appeared called 'Hiccups' about a children's author with rage issues; at the end of every episode we switch to her narrating her take on the episode's events over a story about her characters that reminds us that she, like Elly, doesn't learn lessons. The pilot had her ejected from a coffee shop for making an ugly, disruptive idiot of herself and ended with her feeling so good that some flat-footed meddler had volunteered to feed her repulsive ego that she didn't want to torch the place after all. I thought to myself that we were watching "Foob, the series."
Run for cover! Also it would be good to develop a hobby where you can have a workshop. A workshop with a heavy door and a lock. Also, if you are in the kitchen beware of flying coffee cups.
I loved that you have addressed what must have been a regular highlight of the life of Dr. Rod Johnston -- having to deal with negative comments coming at him on a daily basis not only from his wife's comic strip, but also from anyone who read his wife's comic strip.
Oh, run for cover, definitely. Pointing out hypocrisy only works if the person is capable of considering that they are in the wrong.
Heh--we seem to have a consensus that John would be best off running for cover. I agree that this seems like his best bet. ;)
He should just put is Train outfit on, walk to the garage, close the door and all windows, crack the window open in his car, let the car run until sweet, sweet oblivion takes him away..
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