Friday, November 20, 2009

The Horror


DreadedCandiru2 said...

I'm sure I have no idea how they managed to live to see adulthood in THAT house; given how stupid Elly is, they risk death every day.

howard said...

Michael's experience was a lot less life-threatening than my own in the car in the 1960s. However, Michael has failed to realize the obvious answer to his question: It was fate.

dlauthor said...

Lizzie should be playing with a long telephone cord while drinking from a can of beer.

April Patterson said...

Michael's experience was a lot less life-threatening than my own in the car in the 1960s. However, Michael has failed to realize the obvious answer to his question: It was fate.

I was thrown from a VW van when I was Michael's age. Teacher was taking us on a field trip, and for some reason half of the seats had been removed, so some of us were just sitting on the floor. I got up while the van was in motion and got thrown against the unlocked door. I remember flying out of the van and landing on the sidewalk.... then everything went black and next thing I knew I was in the hospital with a hairline skull fracture. This was in the early 1970s. Ah, the good old days of lax transportation safety.

April Patterson said...

Lizzie should be playing with a long telephone cord while drinking from a can of beer.

D'oh! Silly me, dlauthor, you are absolutely right. Please imagine that as soon as Michael finishes delivering that dialogue, Liz proceeds to grab John's unfinished beer and wrap that phone cord around her neck. ;)

April Patterson said...

I'm sure I have no idea how they managed to live to see adulthood in THAT house; given how stupid Elly is, they risk death every day.

Most would say it was dumb luck. The Patterclods would claim it was fate.