Note: I was working ahead and posted this Wednesday, before we saw the return of Deanna. Rest assured, I'll address that tidbit next week....
One moment, the foobs were in a teal-and-lavender monstrosity of a wedding, and the next they were propelled back into the past. But it was a different version of the past. What happened?
The only thing cooler than this would be to have his mother tell him the same thing; the big mope refuses to see that Elly has too damned much time on her hands and it's making her crazy because it would require that he think instead of simply parrot slogans.
Hum! This is a little out-of-synch with the strip, so my guess is you are working in advance on strips that you thought would be reprinted by this point. Am I right?
dc2, it would be beautiful to see a smackdown from Carrie, as well. :)
Hum! This is a little out-of-synch with the strip, so my guess is you are working in advance on strips that you thought would be reprinted by this point. Am I right?
You're absolutely right. I actually meant to add a note before I turned in for bed last night. I uploaded this one Wednesday evening before we had our "Deanna" bombshell. So I'm planning to address that next week. Hmmm... maybe I'll still add a note to that effect. :)
John's Rousseauian! Though only in theory, not practice, since Rousseau had 5 children with his mistress, but forced her to put them in foundling hospitals, where they likely died. This was a time when a woman had no rights to her children that could supersede their fathers' whim, nor any way to support them unless she were an heiress or quite special. Such a time would have suited Elly perfectly; she could have, in all honesty, been denied not only dignity and respect, but basic legal rights that we take for granted. Yay martyrdom.
Rousseau had 5 children with his mistress, but forced her to put them in foundling hospitals, where they likely died.
clio, I didn't know this about Rousseau. That's monstrous.
Such a time would have suited Elly perfectly; she could have, in all honesty, been denied not only dignity and respect, but basic legal rights that we take for granted. Yay martyrdom.
She would have been gloriously miserable and therefore happily martyred.
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