Since I already prematurely snarked on the "That was when I still enjoyed working" strip
this past Friday, I decided to create a lead-in for the strip I expect to see reprinted tomorrow. (
dreadedcandiru2, I know you read the guy in that strip as Dr. Ted, but I decided he looked different enough to be a whole other jerkish colleague of John's.)
Shania-Ann is there because Lynn decided to update her original reference to a hygienist who resembles Cheryl Ladd to one who looks like Shania Twain. Then we had some strips where we see a hygienist who resembles April Patterson, which of course led to my Foobars in which April was able to travel to Elly's warp-time for a little while--
here I have John explaining that she's a hygienist filling in for Shania-Ann Achronism.
I actually looked at a bunch of Shania Twain pictures and tried to draw Shania-Ann to look as Twain might if she were a foob character. I'm not sure how succesful I was, but I had fun drawing her hair. At first, I was looking for reference pics that weren't overly posey, but for the final frame, I decided to go for a shot that was as posey as it gets... :)