Edit: Gah, I was so rushed this morning, I didn't have a chance to add any commentary. (I know the "rush" aspect really shows, but it was that or not get the strip up today, and I really wanted to get it up on April's actual birthday!) Anyway, I wanted to give a little shout out to dreadedcandiru2; his comment over at Foobiverse, that today's foob strip should have Elly freaking out over April turning 18, gave me the idea to show her celebration in their parallel time frame....
This is interesting; perhaps if she can't get help in the past, she can get things done in the present day. I should think that the never-seen Abby would prefer the Liz who wants revenge for having her history altered as an in-law to being forced to baby-sit owing to a greedy nitwit's malice. In any event, when Elly is defeated, she'll have a lot to answer for.
This is interesting; perhaps if she can't get help in the past, she can get things done in the present day.
She's definitely motivated to try any approach that might work. :)
I should think that the never-seen Abby would prefer the Liz who wants revenge for having her history altered as an in-law to being forced to baby-sit owing to a greedy nitwit's malice.
In any event, when Elly is defeated, she'll have a lot to answer for.
Without a doubt--and many people ot answer to.
Without a doubt--and many people to answer to.
Too bad she'll give them all the same damned answer: she was forced to do what she did because her life was sooooooooooo hard and she'd suffered sooooooo much. That's, of course, bollocks; the Liographies clearly indicate that the white-bread idiot had lived an amazingly bland, problem-free existence. The saps multced into giving her free stuff, on the other hand, have endured crap that would make that gutless idiot fold up and die.
Too bad she'll give them all the same damned answer: she was forced to do what she did because her life was sooooooooooo hard and she'd suffered sooooooo much. That's, of course, bollocks; the Liographies clearly indicate that the white-bread idiot had lived an amazingly bland, problem-free existence.
Yup, and she'll be shocked when she doesn't get the sympathy she expects.
Thank goodness Abby Caine looks more feminine than Anthony Caine does, with his slight frame and child-bearing hips.
Thank goodness Abby Caine looks more feminine than Anthony Caine does, with his slight frame and child-bearing hips.
He sets the bar pretty high for feminine appearance.
Is Abbby Anthony's never mentioned little sister from the bio? Note: I refuse to go back and reread the bio.
Cedar: Yup, Abby is the sister who exists only in Anthony's bio. According to that, she ought to be turning fourteen next month. (I know she looks much older, but she's got those same Caine genes that made mid-twenties Anthony look like Granthony.) I don't blame you for not wanting to revisit the liography. Believe me, I did so only under self-imposed duress. ;)
The quality of the writing is only part of why I refuse to adhere to the liographies. I'm not even sure that it's established in-strip whether Anthony has a sib. Maybe I'll have to check AMU on that someday.
IMH, although AFAIK an Anthony sibling is never shown, he seems to imply that he has one in the strip that ran on 3/21/1998. This was when Liz thought Grandpa Jim might be moving in with them soon, and Anthony said that when his grandmother had stayed with his family, it had been "amazing." Liz asked if it wasn't like having an extra parent, to which he replied, "Yeah, but she was on our side."
Of course, Beth wasn't really paying much attention to the dates when she established Abby being born in 1995, since she would have been three when the "our side" strip ran. That would have worked much better with a close-in-age sib.
ah, I did vaguely recall that someone had a sib or sibs, but not even number or gender was established. Thought it might have been Candace or Anthony.
So Anthony could have brother(s), or sister(s), or both - if need be :-)
So Anthony could have brother(s), or sister(s), or both - if need be
Exactly. :)
Candace had an older brother (Dawn had a crush on him), which, I just realized, totally doesn't jibe with LJ's Lives Between the Lines bio of Candace, where she says that Candace's mom was 16 when she was born.
Oh, that's right--I'd forgotten about that write-up in LBtL; this just reconfirms that LJ's inability/unwillingness to keep her characters' backstories straight is not a new thing.
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