Yesterday's foob had Elly listing her accomplishments for that day--one of them was getting caught up on her correspondence. This got me to thinking what correspondence that would be....
One moment, the foobs were in a teal-and-lavender monstrosity of a wedding, and the next they were propelled back into the past. But it was a different version of the past. What happened?
I can think of the responses to those letters: the first letter would be a threat to proceed to actual legal action, the second would end up filed under "C" for "crank comma ludicrous", Jean would send a sarcastic thank you note the point of which would sail over Elly's head, Marian would tell her that she just proved her point and the publishers would try to remind her that there's no market for war bride abuse porn. She would have been better off tidying up the living room than wasting her time on this.
Hehe! This is funny! Wanna have a go at Elly's version of writing Stone Season? :D She has very...no-frills writing, which would be a jarring contrast to Mike's nonsensical purple prose...
Go on, I challenge you! :D
She would have been better off tidying up the living room than wasting her time on this.
Yup, Elly should not correspond. ;)
Go on, I challenge you!
Heh--maybe we could have excerpts, though I imagine Elly would have been trying for "elevated" writing and also to mimic the style Mike wrote in because she knew he published that dreck.
I imagine Elly would have been trying for "elevated" writing and also to mimic the style Mike wrote in because she knew he published that dreck.
That's probably why the publisher will send it back; not only is the subject matter not up to par, the book will be unreadable.
It's interesting to see, as you progress with this strip, how you are putting in little extras that were not in the original art, like the pattern across Elly's clothing. Oftentimes, you can see some patterns in Lynn Johnston's clothing circa 1980, but is is usually the old zip-a-tone stuff. Yours are much nicer.
So were you actually hearkening back to the strip with Elly phoning some utility because the form letter when they were late with one payment made her feel really awful? I recall that ended with them saying they'd have a sharp word with the computer.
It actually *was* amusing, because I saw it as Elly being ridiculous (and the writer knowing so) by acting on one of those little frustrations that people wish it *weren't* out of line to respond to. Sort of "wish fulfillment, sure - but it's still nuts". (This was long before the "Pattersaints" where we're oh-so-clearly supposed to think Elly must be in the right.)
Oftentimes, you can see some patterns in Lynn Johnston's clothing circa 1980, but is is usually the old zip-a-tone stuff. Yours are much nicer.
Thanks--this was one of my last-minute inspirations. I have PaintShop Pro's swatches to thank for this. One picky little thing about PSP is that if I don't have the area I'm trying to fill in 100% sealed off as far as the outlining goes, then if I try to use "flood fill," the entire image gets filled up. So the first few times I tried this, my entire strip got covered in that argyle pattern. Thank goodness for "undo." :)
So were you actually hearkening back to the strip with Elly phoning some utility because the form letter when they were late with one payment made her feel really awful? I recall that ended with them saying they'd have a sharp word with the computer.
::nod, nod::
I knew someone would get the reference. :)
Sort of "wish fulfillment, sure - but it's still nuts". (This was long before the "Pattersaints" where we're oh-so-clearly supposed to think Elly must be in the right.)
That's the thing--so many times, when I look back at the old strips, my reaction to them is colored by what the Pattersons had become by the end of the modern run. I can't un-know all that! I also think Elly writing instead of calling kind of ramps of the effect of her "crazy." :)
I have PaintShop Pro's swatches to thank for this.
I used PSP for years and then got PhotoShop with my new computer so am having to learn how to use it. If it has swatches, I haven't found them yet! :) Another thing I haven't found is the part of PSP where you could put a fine grid over the image, then by pulling the lines, make minor adjustments to the photo, like, for example, slimming a waistline! I sure wish PhotoShop had something similar because it made fabric so much easier: fill in the space with a swatch, then pull and push the grid to make folds, add drop shadows and done!
Another thing I haven't found is the part of PSP where you could put a fine grid over the image, then by pulling the lines, make minor adjustments to the photo, like, for example, slimming a waistline! I sure wish PhotoShop had something similar because it made fabric so much easier: fill in the space with a swatch, then pull and push the grid to make folds, add drop shadows and done!
I've got to play with that and other features--I know I'm just scratching the surface of what I can do.
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