I wasn't really planning to color this in, but then I started to play....
One moment, the foobs were in a teal-and-lavender monstrosity of a wedding, and the next they were propelled back into the past. But it was a different version of the past. What happened?
Annie for the win!!! Money won't change Elly too much; she'll just be a richer huffy, learning-impaired jerk.
She'd never stop being who she is--that's for sure. ;)
Lols - not only will nothing change between Elly and John, we know from the past 30 years that she's already in the "best shape" she's ever going to be in her life *snerk* so that certainly won't change either. Very observant of Annie. ^^
[S]he's already in the "best shape" she's ever going to be in her life *snerk* so that certainly won't change either.
So true--she'll regret that she never recognized it at the time.
I see Elly's spending plans don't extend to hiring a housekeeper. They'd only clean things the wrong way anyway. Or "anyways".
I see Elly's spending plans don't extend to hiring a housekeeper. They'd only clean things the wrong way anyway. Or "anyways".
Of course--plus she needs to retain something to martyr herself over.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! This one really made me laugh. It's not just true of Elly either...I know so many women who think the problem is they aren't attractive enough for their boyfriends/husbands, when in fact the men would just like them to be more interested in sex.
I picture Elly sitting on her ass, telling the chef that she doesn't know how to make a proper greaseburger, and the personal trainer that she only gets one "free hour" a day (subject to change) and that she already spent it yelling at the chef.
Thanks, Muzition and qnjones. :)
I can see it now...Elly whips herself into Christine Brinkley shape, only to see John/Rod with Connie, who says "I never wanted a goddess, I just wanted some love."
I could definitely see that, godozo--Elly just making all the wrong assumptions and then being gobsmacked when she discovers how mistaken she'd been.
This strip is ALMOST perfect. It just needs two things:
1. Those mini-barbell things inserted into Annie and Elly's fists.
2. A Big Mack truck barreling down on Elly from behind (that road looks way too empty for my taste :>)
1. Those mini-barbell things inserted into Annie and Elly's fists.
Heavy hands! I remember those. :)
2. A Big Mack truck barreling down on Elly from behind (that road looks way too empty for my taste :>)
Yeah, I was referencing a road-race pic--but Elly probably would get run over in the depicted situation. ;)
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