One moment, the foobs were in a teal-and-lavender monstrosity of a wedding, and the next they were propelled back into the past. But it was a different version of the past. What happened?
Monday, February 23, 2009
"Elly's an amateur!"
While sketching the strip below, I referred back to the February 9, 2009 FOOBAR. My son, who will be six in two weeks, glanced at my monitor and told me "Elly's an amateur!" I don't know where he gets these things, but he's so right!
Yeeeessssshhhhh..... Only Elly would find leaving someone helpless to die beautiful. As for fame and fortune, she shouldn't give up on breathing; quite possibly she was angry yesterday because JSFF pointed out that there was no market for war bride abuse porn.
That's it Sheilagh -- you show that evil Mr Rod, er, Rood who's boss!
Oh wait, perhaps it's not a play on Rod / Rood but on Rood / Rude. Wow, Lynn sure knows how to do insightful surnames, as the Kelpfroths and Krelbutzes of the world can attest. / sarcasm
At least Elly avoided all that "I am Sheilaugh and I am Harvey and I am the one-armed man with whom Sheilaugh fell in love" business that infected Mike's letters.
I love that she looked over her shoulder, as all Pattersaint women must do as they're leaving a man.
Heh--I'm glad you picked up on this, apologyhat. I referred back to Mike's letters and noticed he didn't specify an over-the-shoulder parting shot, but thought, "Elly would definitely write it that way!" ;)
At least Elly avoided all that "I am Sheilaugh and I am Harvey and I am the one-armed man with whom Sheilaugh fell in love" business that infected Mike's letters.
Now there you go, giving me evil ideas, howtheduck. ;)
I actually feel sorry for Elly! She looks so cute and expectant in her mittens and hat. The entirety of canonical FBofW seems set up as an Elly pity party and I never feel sorry for her in it, but in your strip and Foob's Paradise, I regularly do.
Yeeeessssshhhhh..... Only Elly would find leaving someone helpless to die beautiful. As for fame and fortune, she shouldn't give up on breathing; quite possibly she was angry yesterday because JSFF pointed out that there was no market for war bride abuse porn.
JSFF pointed out that there was no market for war bride abuse porn.
Probably. :)
That's it Sheilagh -- you show that evil Mr Rod, er, Rood who's boss!
Oh wait, perhaps it's not a play on Rod / Rood but on Rood / Rude. Wow, Lynn sure knows how to do insightful surnames, as the Kelpfroths and Krelbutzes of the world can attest. / sarcasm
Hey, I wouldn't be surprised if "Rood" were meant to cover both "rude" and "Rod." So super-doubly clever. ;)
Hahaha! I love that she looked over her shoulder, as all Pattersaint women must do as they're leaving a man.
At least Elly avoided all that "I am Sheilaugh and I am Harvey and I am the one-armed man with whom Sheilaugh fell in love" business that infected Mike's letters.
I love that she looked over her shoulder, as all Pattersaint women must do as they're leaving a man.
Heh--I'm glad you picked up on this, apologyhat. I referred back to Mike's letters and noticed he didn't specify an over-the-shoulder parting shot, but thought, "Elly would definitely write it that way!" ;)
At least Elly avoided all that "I am Sheilaugh and I am Harvey and I am the one-armed man with whom Sheilaugh fell in love" business that infected Mike's letters.
Now there you go, giving me evil ideas, howtheduck. ;)
I can't believe your son is six!
::feels old::
I wish FOOBAR had a strip every day. :)
I can't believe your son is six!
Isn't that crazy? He was only two when I started ARB. 0_o
I wish FOOBAR had a strip every day. :)
That's the best compliment, thanks! I did try out daily for a while, but it was too much! Maybe after I knock someone else off the page. ;)
*dies laughing* XD
I actually feel sorry for Elly! She looks so cute and expectant in her mittens and hat. The entirety of canonical FBofW seems set up as an Elly pity party and I never feel sorry for her in it, but in your strip and Foob's Paradise, I regularly do.
Thanks, clio-1. Maybe IMH and I should send resumes and samples to LJ? ;)
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