Surely, Lawrence is not alone in this sentiment! In the last panel, I wanted Mike to be gesturing with his hands while also creating the effect of putting his hands up against the panel--like maybe he could almost (only almost!) escape from the strip.
Edit: We are having computer problems at home, so there is a chance that my next update will be delayed. I am hoping that my live-in tech support (husband) gets us up and running before Friday, but these things are difficult to predict....
Oh, yeah. I wouldn't want anyone I cared about to have any part of the Pattersons either. I just hope RePhil remembers enough of the past to be where Connie isn't.
I haven't decided whether Phil remembers the future/realizes he has been sent back. I kind of suspect that if he does, he figures that he was generally pleased with the way his life went and therefore expecting that if he just goes with the flow, he'll end up in the same place he did the first time around.
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