Friday, January 15, 2010

She who loves to hate

Click to enlarge.


DreadedCandiru2 said...

The funny thing is that I can see her actually doing just that.

howard said...

Me too. That must be why her "Hate" is kind of small today.

April Patterson said...

The funny thing is that I can see her actually doing just that.

All while denying that this was what she was doing.

April Patterson said...

Me too. That must be why her "Hate" is kind of small today.

Actually, I haven't changed the size of her "Hate," but maybe it seems smaller in comparison to the font of Joe's speech bubble.

Holly said...

maybe it seems smaller in comparison to the font of Joe's speech bubble.

Snark *and* an optical illusion in one strip: awesome!

Anonymous said...

Elly is (as C.S. Lewis would say) someone who finds the pleasures of resentment so much greater and more enjoyable than the joys of real service.

Because her sort of love is so mixed in with hate, that's the only sort of pleasure she truly -can- feel.