Monday, September 28, 2009

Retcon Artist


DreadedCandiru2 said...

Except, of course, that it doesn't; Lynn and Elly share a lack of any real knowledge of the world so arbitrary nonsense is supposed to be the answer to everything. The only people she'd fool think she has spy gear in their living rooms.

Holly said...


Elly punch!

April Patterson said...

I figured that Elly is a vague thinker just like her author--hence the thought about Connie having said "something about real estate going badly." She wouldn't know that from the papers because she barely skims the headlines, nor from talking to people who are having direct experience with the real-estate market, because that would mean reaching beyond her own insular world.

godozo said...

Ugh-o Rama!

I remember that real estate was goinng badly in the early eighties (my walk to school included a couple of houses that seemed to never sell); but to my experience that never stopped the moving. They just rented them out until they found a buyer.

April Patterson said...

I remember that real estate was goinng badly in the early eighties (my walk to school included a couple of houses that seemed to never sell); but to my experience that never stopped the moving. They just rented them out until they found a buyer.

My family moved to another state in 1978 and we moved back in 1980. We had been renting out our house, though I'm not sure whether this was because the market was bad or because my parents were always a bit unsure as to whether our move would "stick."

I wasn't too worried about whether a bad market fit in with what was going on in 1980, because LJ plays so fast and loose with her time frame and references. Elly heard Connie say something about the market being bad, but for all we know, this could have happened sometime in August of last year, before Elly made the time warp happen.