Monday, June 15, 2009



DreadedCandiru2 said...

I don't know if I should say "Zing!!!" or "Burn!!!" here. I also wonder if John is as big a fan of the past as Elly is; he certainly has no reason to change things so, if given the choice, would not really want to live in timeful warpland.

April Patterson said...

I don't know if I should say "Zing!!!" or "Burn!!!" here.


I also wonder if John is as big a fan of the past as Elly is; he certainly has no reason to change things so, if given the choice, would not really want to live in timeful warpland.

He could have a dilemma. howtheduck has pointed out that John once again has a young, hot wife who is sometimes physically affectionate, as opposed to the sterile twin he has in the later years. But OTOH, he might be remembering just how batshit crazy she was early on.

howard said...

There's no doubt in my mind that John Patterson would prefer young Elly to old Elly. Young Elly had yet to develop the "unhinge your jaw and scream" method, old Elly did. John and the rest of the family seemed to live in fear of that aspect of old Elly, often appearing visibly shaken after she did it.

As for today's FOOBAR, it looks like your strip reference is to recent events in the Spiderman comic strip as opposed to Spiderman 1979. So, it appears that FOOBAR Pattersons get the 2009 newspapers. Or is this a "Shania Twain" kind of reference?

As for Spiderman itself, I was quite happy to see them switch back. They were trying to match the current goings-on in the comic book, which was possibly one of the stupidest Spiderman stories I had seen in years.

April Patterson said...

howtheduck, that's a good point about Elly and the jaw unhinging. I think of the "Spiderman" reference as more of a Shania/"what timeframe are we in anyway" kind of thing. And I agree--I was glad to see "Spiderman" unreset. :)

DreadedCandiru2 said...


As for Spiderman itself, I was quite happy to see them switch back. They were trying to match the current goings-on in the comic book, which was possibly one of the stupidest Spiderman stories I had seen in years.

That's an understatement; it was damned stupid of Quesada to retcon away Spidey's marriage and turn him back into a loser living off his aunt because he didn't like it that the story had changed after 1985. I'm just waiting for him to get fired so his little screw-up can be undone.

DreadedCandiru2 said...


But OTOH, he might be remembering just how batshit crazy she was early on.

This raises the question of how much he does know. If he is starting to put it together, he might be forced to choose between Young-but-crazy Elly and Old-Nasty-but-lucid Elly.

Anonymous said...

The Queseda Spiderman idiocy is one of those windows into creator minds that we really don't want. In interviews, Quesada has blamed Peter's marriage for making him old, and said that Spiderman's readers (who are, in Quesada's mind, all male) couldn't possibly relate to a non-loser with a wife. I don't know why Marvel keeps allowing him to muck up what's possibly their most popular hero. It had to take a committee.

Paladin said...

Quesada has also gone on the record as saying that his mother died when he was a young man and he'd have given anything to bring her back, thus justifying Peter's choice. He's also the reason that the X-Men continuity is in such upheaval (he wanted to make them more like they were in the '70s and '80s), and why Marvel has a new mega-super-ultra crisis crossover every year.

I think that he and Lynn should have lunch somewhere. They could probably bond while sharing ideas about how to turn back the clock on their properties and make them look even more like poorly written fanfiction.

Anonymous said...

Quesada has also gone on the record as saying that his mother died when he was a young man and he'd have given anything to bring her back, thus justifying Peter's choice.

Isn't Quesada married? *shudders*

April Patterson said...

Isn't Quesada married? *shudders*

Wow. With his comments about marriage? Yikes.

Maybe he and Lynn really should get together for lunch. They'd probably agree about marriage.

godozo said...

This raises the question of how much he does know...he might be forced to choose between Young-but-crazy Elly and Old-Nasty-but-lucid Elly.

If the comic is any indication (to me), he rather be older. And it may not be a question of "Old Elly or Young Elly, it may be a question of "April or No April?"

April Patterson said...

And it may not be a question of "Old Elly or Young Elly, it may be a question of "April or No April?"

Hm, good point. And John actually loves/loved April.