Monday, March 16, 2009

The dots, they get connected


DreadedCandiru2 said...

Oh, goody. If Elly thought life was going to be a minimum cinch, wait until she gets back from Vancouver. Now that Mike knows the truth, he's really going to be a thorn in her side; one of the few good things about him is his pride in what he accomplished. Now that he knows Elly stole his life's work for her own mean ends, he'll help Liz and Lawrence try to defeat Elly. Too bad they cannot count on John at all; even if he were to have become aware of the change, he's too stoopid and useless to act.

April Patterson said...

Elly selfish, John stoopid--sucks to be a Patterkid!

Anonymous said...

It makes sense that what Mike's really mad about is that Elly stole his "Great Canadian Novel", rather than that she took him away from his wife and children.

howard said...

Those Charles Schulz-derived open mouths of screaming are delightful, especially Lizzie's "No!"

DreadedCandiru2 said...

The latest announcement from Mount Foob is that Lynn has grown tired of 'Letters from Elly' and replaced them with 'Cooking with Elly'.

April Patterson said...

It makes sense that what Mike's really mad about is that Elly stole his "Great Canadian Novel", rather than that she took him away from his wife and children.

We learned a lot about his priorities when he ran into that burning building to save his manuscript and laptop.

April Patterson said...

Those Charles Schulz-derived open mouths of screaming are delightful, especially Lizzie's "No!"

Thanks--one funny thing about that is I wasn't really envisioning them doing that when I scripted this. But then when I went through the first collection for reference pics, the gaping maws won out. ;)

April Patterson said...

The latest announcement from Mount Foob is that Lynn has grown tired of 'Letters from Elly' and replaced them with 'Cooking with Elly'.

Doesn't it just figure? 0_o

Anonymous said...

We learned a lot about his priorities when he ran into that burning building to save his manuscript and laptop.

I'd probably have ran back for that laptop myself. It's an automatic response, at least to my thinking.

Besides, wouldn't you get PO'd about having to watch helplessly as your (until then) key work was stolen and butchered right in front of you? I know I would, whereas the Too-Young-For-THAT-STUFF Michael would probably just have a childhood crush on Deanne that would probably be a bit too solid for comfort (seeing as Elly's "magic" seems much more than a bit faulty).

April Patterson said...

Excellent points, godozo. :)

Anonymous said...

The latest announcement from Mount Foob is that Lynn has grown tired of 'Letters from Elly' and replaced them with 'Cooking with Elly'.

...She actually typed "when I was raising offspringS"?????

Uh, note to Lynn. "Offspring" is also a plural. Like "sheep".

She's lost it.....

April Patterson said...

LOL--I did notice her use of "offsprings," too, Anonymous. Maybe she also says "sheeps" and "deers." ;)