Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ugh, please bear with me!

This is taking longer than I'd expected.  I'll update as soon as I can.  Sorry about that!  (I know, Lynn can consider me a total wimp.  Oh, well--I'm in such good company! :) )


DreadedCandiru2 said...

I can see why you'd be delayed; coming up with scenarios for that many characters is going to take a while.

howard said...

Can't you at least run reprints of your old material from 1981, while we wait for your new stuff? It's what all the fashionable cartoonists are doing.

April Patterson said...

howtheduck, if only I could find an old notebook or sketchbook from 1981. I was 14 years old and just finishing ninth grade at this time that year. I might have had some amusing sketches of teachers. I remember one in particular featuring my Latin teacher riding a motorcycle. :)

April Patterson said...

It's posted now. :)