Inspired by Lynn's re-rerunning a reprint yesterday (originally refoobed July 1, 2008, during the failed "hybrid" experiment), I am recycling the art from a FOOBAR I posted this past November. Only, unlike Lynn, I've given my reFOOBAR new text. Postmodern!
Wow, I'm so blessed to be able to learn from the professional cartoonists! Thanks, Lynn, this is going to save me sooooooooo much time! Maybe I'll schedule some vacations in
Edit: As dlauthor pointed out in the comments, I mistakenly had Lizzie refer to "Dot" instead of "Trixie" as the sunbeam-obsessed baby in "Hi and Lois." I've fixed the error in the strip. Just like Lynn with "Crows" vs. "Cranes" in the "wedding" arc last August! Only the Cranes were her own characters, so I don't feel quite so bad....
I like the little annotation about the strip conserving art; it hangs a lampshade on how Lynn's failure fails all of us. As for the horror Liz lives with, I can relate; she's trapped in a world run by a woman who doesn't what satisfaction is trying to fill an unfillable void.
I couldn't resist parodying the re-repeat fail. :)
Yes, it's too bad Elly inflicts her dysfunction on others.
At least you are re-repeating intentionally and not out of ignorance or laziness or desire to get a buck for no work. Actually you are re-repeating to be funny, and successfully so, I might add. For the first time, I am glad that Lynn re-repeated, since it inspired you to re-repeat.
What will you do when Lynn re-re-repeats?
Actually you are re-repeating to be funny, and successfully so, I might add.Thanks. :)
What will you do when Lynn re-re-repeats?Hm. Good question. Maybe I'll have to repeat this one with the dialogue stricken out and new speech or thought bubbles dropped in below. ;)
Brilliant!! XD
Trixie, not Dot. WHY DO I KNOW THIS?
Brilliant!! XDThanks! :)
Trixie, not Dot. D'oh! It's been so long since I've paid attention to that strip, I forgot which kid was which. Now I remember Dot's the older daughter. Gah. Would it be too "Crow/Crane" of me to fix this when I get home today? 0_o
LOL, oh, this is brilliant! It fits in so perfectly with the concept of FOOBAR! :D
As an aside, poor Liz! The only thing more sucky than being forced back to babyhood is having to go back again...and again!
Thanks, Destroyer of Worlds--the repeating did fit in remarkably well with what's going on generally in the FOOBARverse. And, yeah, Liz is in an unenviable position in all this. The repetition would be bad enough in and of itself, but look at what she needs to keep repeating. Poor girl. 0_o
My hat is off. I hope Lynn sees this and is deeply offended.
I hope Lynn sees this and is deeply offended. That would be pretty awesome. ;)
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